Gaza attacks kill ten Christians

In the midst of the attacks taking place in Gaza, ten Christians have been killed. Between the Jewish and Islamic conflict, Christians are the ones who continue to lose and have no visibility or voice. At least 16 Christians, including 10 members of a family, were killed during an attack in Gaza on Thursday night, October 19, which caused the complete collapse of a church where they were taking refuge.

Since the beginning of the armed conflict, some 400 people, mostly Christians, have taken refuge in the church that was demolished. Among the victims are several young Christians. Another 500 Christians are taking refuge in the Holy Family church.

The Christian population of the Gaza Strip has been repeatedly asked to evacuate and move south. However, Christians are unwilling to leave due to a lack of security and guarantees that people moving from northern to southern Gaza will not be targeted. In addition, they have no guarantee of getting groceries and basic necessities. Therefore, they consider that the safest thing is to stay in the Church that for now remains standing in the Gaza Strip. Even so, we must keep in mind that Christians are trapped in the middle of the bombs in a foreign conflict and to whom neither food nor medicine reaches them. From the SIT we demand the need to make the situation of Christians visible and that their basic needs and the relief help they need are not ignored.

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